Facial Cupping - Set

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Facial Cupping - Set
4-piece set included 2x facial cups, 2 micro-facial cups - Suction the cup to the face and use ... Læs mere

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    4-piece set included 2x facial cups, 2 micro-facial cups

    - Suction the cup to the face and use sweeping gliding massage strokes in areas indicated by arrows.
    - Use your free hand to anchor the skin behind the cup for a smoother glide and to prevent pulling on the skin.
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4-piece set included 2x facial cups, 2 micro-facial cups

- Suction the cup to the face and use sweeping gliding massage strokes in areas indicated by arrows.
- Use your free hand to anchor the skin behind the cup for a smoother glide and to prevent pulling on the skin.

Sug koppen til ansigtet, og brug glidende massagestrøg i de ønskede områder
Brug din frie hånd til at fastgøre huden bag koppen for at opnå et mere jævnt glid og for at undgå at trække i huden

Cleaning and Care:
- After each use, wash massage cups in warm soapy water.
- Let air dry.

Caution: Consult with your physician if you are pregnant, are on blood thinners, have varicose veins or other medical conditions. Do not cup over new scars, acute acne or Rosacea, sunburned skin, raised moles, herpes or other skin inflammations. Temporary redness is normal due to increased vascularity of the area cupped. These effects will disappear shortly. Massage cups are not intended to diagnose, prevent or treat any illness, metabolic disorder, disease or health problems. The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Denne ingrediensliste kan være genstand for ændringer – se venligst det købte produkts emballage.


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