Airwrap i.d. ™ curly to coily - multistyler og hårtørrer

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Airwrap i.d. ™ curly to coily - multistyler og hårtørrer
Dyson Airwrap i.d.™ multistyler og hårtørrer Vores første Bluetooth®-aktiverede Airwrap™ ... Læs mere

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    Dyson Airwrap i.d.™ multistyler og hårtørrer Vores første Bluetooth®-aktiverede Airwrap™ multistyler og hårtørrer. Nemmere styling, skræddersyet til dig. Nu med nyt tilbehør og den nye i.d. curl, der skaber en stylingsekvens baseret på din hårprofil i MyDyson-appen. Krøl, style og fiksér dine krøller automatisk med et tryk på en knap. Skab de perfekte krøller hver gang. One touch i.d. curl™-teknologi Krøl, style og fiksér automatisk med et tryk på en knap ved hjælp af i.d. Curls skræddersyede stylingsekvens. Skab din personlige hårprofil Tag den simple quiz i appen. Gem din profil. Opsæt din profil én gang. Skræddersyet krøllesekvens Din profil på MyDyson™-appen skræddersyr din Airwrap i.d.™ multistyler, når du parrer den med din telefon. Justerer og tager tid automatisk, mens du styler Din Airwrap i.d.™ multistyler gemmer dine krølle-, styling- og fikseringstider for en nemmere styling og perfekte krøller. i.d. curl™ og app-forbundne funktioner 1. Justerbare varmeindstillinger - Følsom hovedbund? Brug appen til at reducere varmen. Din i.d. curl™ justeres automatisk. 2. Live-indstillinger - MyDyson™-appen viser dine aktuelle indstillinger, når du har aktiveret Bluetooth®. 3. Notifikationer om vedligeholdelse - Hold din Airwrap i.d.™ multistyler og hårtørrer i tiptop-stand med en nem, regelmæssig vedligeholdelse. Appen fortæller dig, hvornår og hvordan du skal gøre det. 4. Guidet styling- Kunne du tænke dig at prøve et helt nyt look? MyDyson™-appen har masser af stylingguides. Alt fra glam blow-outs til strandbølger. 5. Skræddersyet stylingindhold - Alt efter din personlige hårprofilgiver MyDyson™-appen forslag til nye idéer eller stylingtips fra Dysons eksperter.
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Dyson Airwrap i.d.™ multistyler og hårtørrer Vores første Bluetooth®-aktiverede Airwrap™ multistyler og hårtørrer. Nemmere styling, skræddersyet til dig. Nu med nyt tilbehør og den nye i.d. curl, der skaber en stylingsekvens baseret på din hårprofil i MyDyson-appen. Krøl, style og fiksér dine krøller automatisk med et tryk på en knap. Skab de perfekte krøller hver gang. One touch i.d. curl™-teknologi Krøl, style og fiksér automatisk med et tryk på en knap ved hjælp af i.d. Curls skræddersyede stylingsekvens. Skab din personlige hårprofil Tag den simple quiz i appen. Gem din profil. Opsæt din profil én gang. Skræddersyet krøllesekvens Din profil på MyDyson™-appen skræddersyr din Airwrap i.d.™ multistyler, når du parrer den med din telefon. Justerer og tager tid automatisk, mens du styler Din Airwrap i.d.™ multistyler gemmer dine krølle-, styling- og fikseringstider for en nemmere styling og perfekte krøller. i.d. curl™ og app-forbundne funktioner 1. Justerbare varmeindstillinger - Følsom hovedbund? Brug appen til at reducere varmen. Din i.d. curl™ justeres automatisk. 2. Live-indstillinger - MyDyson™-appen viser dine aktuelle indstillinger, når du har aktiveret Bluetooth®. 3. Notifikationer om vedligeholdelse - Hold din Airwrap i.d.™ multistyler og hårtørrer i tiptop-stand med en nem, regelmæssig vedligeholdelse. Appen fortæller dig, hvornår og hvordan du skal gøre det. 4. Guidet styling- Kunne du tænke dig at prøve et helt nyt look? MyDyson™-appen har masser af stylingguides. Alt fra glam blow-outs til strandbølger. 5. Skræddersyet stylingindhold - Alt efter din personlige hårprofilgiver MyDyson™-appen forslag til nye idéer eller stylingtips fra Dysons eksperter.

Du kan forbinde din Airwrap ID til MyDyson-appen for at oprette din egen forenklede rutine. Appen vil gemme dine indstillinger og hjælpe dig med at forenkle og fremskynde din rutine (til brug med cylinderen). TRIN 1 - forbind Airwrap til MyDyson-appen TRIN 2 - følg instruktionerne i appen og gennemfør en simpel quiz for at identificere din hårtype og behov TRIN 3 - MyDyson-appen vil programmere din enhed til at identificere den tid, det tager at vikle håret omkring cylinderen, indstille tiden og koldluftfunktionen for at fixere stylingen TRIN 4 - begynd at style fra fugtigt hår - brug stylingprodukter, der passer bedst til dig - opdag Dyson Chitosan™-serien TRIN 5 - MyDyson-appen vil huske din rutine, så din Airwrap altid er klar til planlagt brug for at optimere anvendelsen i henhold til dine behov Du kan bruge Airwrap ID, selv når det ikke er forbundet til appen

Én enhed, der klarer det hele Med 6 tilbehør, designet til krøllet til spundet hår 1. Konisk Airwrap™ spole - Spolen er tilspidset og har en 20 mm spids, så den er nem at bruge tæt på hårrødderne, for definerede krøller. 2. Wave + Curl diffuser - Ét tilbehør, to indstillinger til bølger, krøller og proptrækkerkrøller. Dome mode skaber en luftpude, der fremhæver den naturlige form for en mere defineret finish. Diffuse mode tilføjer volumen og tekstur. 3. Firm Smoothing Brush - Skaber en glat føntørringsfinish 4. Large Round Volumising Brush - Giver volumen og former håret. 5. Wide-tooth comb - Hjælper med at forme og forlænge krøllet hår, mens det tørrer. 6. Fast Dryer - Tager dit hår fra vådt til tørt, eller vådt til fugtigt – klar til enhver styling! Præsentationsetui Polstret med blødt stof og sikret med en magnetlås. Stativdelen i låget holder din telefon eller tablet.

Specifikationer Længde på ledning 2,675 m Luftstrøm 13,5 l/sek Indstillinger 3 varmeindstillinger, 3 hastigheder Spænding 220V-240V Watt 1300W Vægt 0,611 kg Højde 272 mm Længde 41 mm Bredde 48 mm


Køn: Kvinde

Alder: 25 til 34


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Air Wrap

it’s really fantastic, I don’t know why I didn’t buy earlier.. my hair is amazing and so shiny, isn’t damaged anymore , now I am on a way to buy another product of the brand, just amazing

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Ease of use

I was bought it as a Christmas present, I have a short Bob but find it really good

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Christmas present for my granddaughter all the family love it

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Køn: Kvinde

Alder: 45 til 54


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Love my Air Wrap, but cannot add to accessories

I love it and it does amazing things to my hair. The only thing missing, is there’s no barrels available to buy in the colour I bought ‘Strawberry Bronze, Pink Blush’, which is hugely disappointing. I really would live the 30 and 40cm ones.

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My dyson

I bought it half a month ago and I'm very happy with it. First of all, it's easy to use, secondly, it saves me a lot of time, and my hair is dry and nicely arranged.

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Køn: Mand

Alder: 35 til 44


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No one makes it like Dyson

I originally bought the Airwrap when it first came to make market many years ago as a gift for my now wife. I took notice of how healthy her hair looked since she started to use it and what started as an occasional try became regular use on my part. My hair too looked better and a healthier without feeling dry and brittle. So now I am super excited to have tried to all new but familiar Airwrap i.d. As always, form meets function with Dyson. Every little detail is given every bit of attention. The packaging of the product is compact and easy to store. With all the components in one easy to access box which made the process of styling your hair everyday quick, efficient and enjoyable. The new Airwrap i.d machine feels lighter in the hand and even more ergonomic than its predecessor making it easy to manoeuvre while styling. I could also tell Dyson has put a lot of effort in perfecting the new attachments especially the wide comb attachment which worked really well in adding shape and volume to my hair. And the Dyson Chitosan styling product works perfectly in unison with the Airwrap i.d leaving my hair light with natural movement without being weighed down by product. I can’t wait to get my wife’s thoughts on what she thinks of the Airwrap i.d. Having purchased various Dyson products for our home the years, I continue to recommend to all my family and friends. Another excellent Dyson product !

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Køn: Kvinde

Alder: 45 til 54


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Really impressed with the Airwrap ID Curly & Coily. Surprisingly lightweight, connects via Bluetooth in app so it remembers your styling routine, even the blast of cold air at the end! Difffuser is great, makes curls a lot more defined & the comb attachment is so handy, gives your hair a lift at the roots but also makes it a lot easier to dry your roots which can sometime be tricky. The hairdryer is a separate attachment in the ID rather than built into the smoother. Amazing how quick it dries the hair and is so much quieter than a normal hairdryer. The wand is thinner too on the ID which gets closer to your head than the normal Airwrap. Another big plus is that my attachments from my previous Airwrap fit on the ID so you don’t feel like the old one is going to waste! I’ve used Dyson appliances for last 10 years and thanks to their technology my hair has always been in such good condition. First was the original hairdryer (still going strong 10 yrs later!) & most recent before the ID was the Airstraight (another game changer!) All in all extremely happy with this product, would recommend to anyone. Dyson has kept my hair in such lovely condition over the years and continues to do so with the Airwrap ID. Thank you Dyson!!

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10/10 recommend! I love this tool. I have curly/wavy hair and it handled it with ease. I was gifted by dysonhair and encourage all of my friends to get one!

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Køn: Kvinde

Alder: 18 til 24


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I love this!

gifted by dysonhair…This is a life changer! I have thick and curly 3c/4a hair and I have never used a tool that makes styling my hair so easy. There is a learning curve with using this, but once you get the hang of it, it’s amazing! My hair looks the best it ever has!

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The i.d. curl technology is a total game changer! I have the original air wrap, which I love, but having the id curl technology removes the guessing game and me having to count how long I should be curling my hair for. The app is phenomenal. It will automatically give you time to wrap the curl around the barrel, curl it with heat, and then automatically does a cool shot. It’s so efficient and cuts down the time it takes to curl my hair. I have it in the beautiful strawberry bronze color way. Gifted by Dysonhair

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Køn: Kvinde

Alder: 25 til 34


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Love it

First of all, love the color- it’s every girly girls dream! I have been getting a lot of use of the airwrap. Love the new attachments and the new barrel makes it really easy to get quite high in my roots! And the I.d curl feature from the Dyson app is going to be so helpful!!! Gifted by Dysonhair

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Køn: Kvinde


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Drying time on thick coily hair cut in half!

This dried my hair in half the time it normally takes. Typically my drying time is 50 minutes but I was done in 20. The attachments were easy to slip on and off. I have very thick coily hair and the wide tooth comb & firm smoothing brush complimented my hair texture. I didn’t have to tug on my hair as all the styling tools glided easily from scalp to end. Incredibly happy with the Airwrap styler & dryer. Added bonus was the pretty pink color! Offered by Dysonhair.

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Køn: Kvinde

Alder: 25 til 34


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Dyson hair gifted me this product in exchange for my review. I really like this dryer for the speedy drying time and how versatile it is. It has so many different attachments that help to achieve a variety of different looks. I do think there is a learning curve when using the attachments to style such as the round brush and curling wand, but once you get the hang of it, it’s so good!

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Honestly, I’ve never had a better hair styling tool for my natural hair! It was gifted to me by dyson hair, but, I especially love how straight it gets my hair with minimal manipulation and how gentle it is. It’s not loud like other hair dryers and it’s way more versatile and allows me to do so much more with my hair than a typically dryer would allow. The amount of attachments is amazing and I can’t wait to get more!

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Oplev Dysons hårplejeteknologi. Skab looks, som dit hår vil elske, og beskyt mod skader forårsaget af overdreven varme. Med større fokus på kontrol og mindre afhængighed af varme.